RISE Self-Defence
RISE Self-Defence
Signed in as:
RISE Facilitator: Sheryl Ocampo
Instructors behind the scenes
(and their collective approximately 100 years of knowledge):
David Raymond Sensei,
Nathan Bolton,
David Beattie Renshi
For over 5 years, I've worked tirelessly towards being able to pass on my knowledge and passion in practical self-defence to other women and girls. I would not have been able to do it without these wonderful people, and I've had the best time doing it!
Our little assistant will be there for every Girls' Self-Defence Class to help demonstrate techniques and assist the girls with being a drill partner. With over 3 years experience in martial arts, she is a very enthusiastic and important member of our team. She is also a great help with setting up and packing up.
These are my amazing instructors who have helped me get here and continue to support me in my mission, as well as have given me the confidence and polish up my knowledge and skills.
I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have these very skillful, knowledgeable instructors as part of my team.
Dave Raymond Sensei is a bit of an amazing human being, with a well deserved Bravery Medal and Australian Police Medal, he is an inspiring member of our community and the Police Force. I am so fortunate to be able to train under him regularly. The trust and faith he has in me is something I will forever be grateful for. He has helped me immensely in my journey and the development of RISE Self-Defence.
Sensei has held black belts in Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Ju Jitsu for over 40 years. He was previously the operational skills and tactics instructor for police and has been with the QPS for 35 years. He is an absolutely incredible teacher and is the head instructor of Giri Dojo Karate Goldsborough.
Nathan Bolton is a rare one of a kind mentor who I have been fortunate enough to train with over many years. It started with a quick go at eskrima, and then BJJ. His patience and understanding, his unwavering support and generosity with his time and knowledge is one of the main reasons I've been able to fully develop the confidence to start up RISE Self-Defence. He teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts and Filipino Martial Arts, he puts in a lot of extra effort teaching me pragmatic self-defence and putting his own body on the line during our very intense training sessions. The countless hours of training and teaching with patience and understanding makes him one of the best teachers I’ve been so fortunate to train with.
You'll find Nathan teaching MMA and BJJ at Grounded Mat Sports in Cairns, you won't find a better instructor around Cairns.
David Beattie Sensei agreed to take me on board and jumped all in with extreme enthusiasm to help me learn, develop, and polish my programs for RISE Self-Defence. He is a wealth of knowledge and brings out an infectious passion and love for practical self-defence. He absolutely brings out the nerd in me. He has been so keen that he sacrifices his sleep and will spend hours training with me with enthusiasm over the whole day and on consecutive days, sacrificing his time. I travel to Sydney specifically to train with David Sensei in person, where he teaches me the Koryu Uchinadi Curriculum developed by Patrick McCarthy Hanshi, whom I was also very fortunate to train with last year in Okinawa.
David Sensei is the owner and head instructor at Koryu Uchinadi's Dojo at Sydney Koshinkan, in NSW, he started his fighting arts journey in 2006 and established Sydney Koshinkan in 2016. He epitomises Bun Bu Ryo Do - appreciating both the physical and mental aspects of the fighting arts. Sensei is passionate about all aspects of the Koryu Uchinadi curriculum but especially enjoys the ground game.
Thank you for the unfaltering support of my family and friends, my colleagues and others I've met through the way and have believed in my mission and encouraged me to pursue my passion.
Special mention to so many people, of course my husband and mother in law, without your support and encouragement none of this would be possible, and to Tom and Tim for being so very supportive throughout the last few years.
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